Cool front-end Developer

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Mehdi El Alaoui, web designer

Recent projects

Below you can see some examples of my recent work. Check out my complete portfolio of UI/UX and JavaScript projects. Have a project you would like to discuss? Let's make something great together!

Mehdi El Alaoui, web designer

Smooth Smoothies

A multi-column, flexbox-based page layout and hero image with a tinted overlay.

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Mehdi El Alaoui, web designer

Snazzy Fashion

A web page for a fashion retailer with a background video that plays in a continuous loop.

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Movies database JavaScript project

Movies database

Retrieves a searchable list of movie titles and images from the Internet Movie Database.

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Opern Weather API JavaScript project

Dublin city weather

Displays the real-time weather in Dublin city using the Open Weather API.

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